Discoverer of history. その心は探求の虜 Discoverer of anguish. 骨の髄まで世界の不思議。 と・り・こ Everyone dance in the hell. It is not related in my life Everyone dance in the bed. Go ahead! Are you ready to circle pit! Circle of my life.Never ending story. Logic. Not clear. Circle of my life. You can not come back anymore. 回れ回れ言霊。舞われ廻れ言霊。 Everyone dance in the hell. It is not related in my life Everyone dance in the bed. Go ahead! Are you ready to Head banging! World's end world's end It remains to be seen. World's end world's end I wander in the darkness. Too many shoes. Too many pieces. Did you find what you were looking for? It remains to be seen. Were you looking for? Make a mosh pit right now! Their manus degenerated that day. Dying after bearing fruit only once. A timepiece goes round and round.