ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA ERA 北から南まで稲光が ピカピカピカガーオ ピカピカピカガーオ 北から南まで稲光だ 未来は要らない 今今今 ERA ERA ERA This is the NU ERA ERA ERA BORN This is the NU ERA ERA ERA ERA This is the NU ERA ERA ERA BORN This is the NU ERA 新世紀元年ERA起源 理念事件危険人間 完全菩薩毒殺高次元 死んでるみたいに生きてる Bum dem up da Babylon Destroy the system Bum dem up da Babylon まだ分かんない?バグった世界 もうじきに分かんじゃない そんなバカじゃない ERA ERA ERA This is the NU ERA ERA ERA BORN This is the NU ERA ERA ERA ERA This is the NU ERA ERA ERA BORN This is the NU ERA