Who Killed It?

Track byNas

  • 2007.01.23
  • 3:10


Look here see Pretty Mike shanked Two-Face Al over some gal Found the body dead in the isles Death by strangulation Microphone cord a dirty broad Guess they'll never play it again Sam Damn that was my jam Now she's on the lamb She made it out with 200 grand What a scam While these two compete on who's the star of the show Golden legs there makes off with the dough I read the paper there with Joe the Butcher He said one glance is all it took ya She's a real looker They say her old mans a bootlegger Transporting in any weather And at this rate we'll never get her Fellas think it's time to call it a night All this talk of this mystery dame's getting me tight Thought I saw her in my eyesight right Hate to spoil the party What are you guys having the same Waiter another round for the gang It's strange how I always felt outta place Joe The Butcher's my ace but in comes Freckle Face So I said see you later 'Fore I hurt him and his two ugly thumb breakers He met them in Louisiana wrestling gators An idiot can tell they're involved with the caper So I pulled the revolver on my waist up Between the patrol car and the gray truck Behind the street lamp was a silouhette White gloves and a real long cigarette What do ya know all this time she's got me in her scope She spoke says the devil got you guys by the throat Your conspiracy theories won't work without evidence That's the reason why Eric B is not president Well what do ya say Ya see Ya see Ya see Look here see I know you got soul your trying to hide it How did you kill a man out in cypress One Eyed Charlie He only hangs with the criminal minded Says you guys did it doggy style is he lying She says Walk This Way I'll tell you a Children's Story We hit the bodega got her a few 40's We jumped in my ride we drove and she cried Twisted off the cap there and opened her mouth wide Swallowed it whole bottle's half empty Drinks like a fish now she's past tipsy The truth came out as we got to her suave house Chopped and screwed her mouth and sat me on the couch I said it's getting late c'mon give it to me straight Who's ya sponsor lady She says Bill Gates What are ya born 77 or 78 She says Nah it goes way to an earlier date Slave times claims the slaves said rhymes But she fell in love with some fella named Clive Who Clive Campbell from Sedgwick Ave the Bronx Now she shows me the cash I said who's Clive don't play with me skirt She said Clive Campbell He's Kool Herc Ah ha Ah ha Listen up sweetheart Now we getting somewhere As she's talking she starts vanishing in thin air But before she drops the money bag on the floor and died She said if you really love me I'll come back alive



