
  • 1990.01.01
  • 6:08


Koyaanisqatsi A Hopi Indian word meaning "Life Out of Balance" I feel the time has come For someone to tell it like it is Where else can you tell the truth? TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines? They're all controlled by giant corporations Free speech, if not meaningless Is powerless (Your freedom's on the line) Truth is the enemy of power And power is the enemy of truth Writers and artists can vanquish lies. Against lies art has won and always will Claim sole Lies can stand up against Much in the world But not against art Thomas Jefferson said "Nothing can now be believed that which seen in the newspaper. The first step toward philosophy is doubt. Henry David Thoreau said "Reality is fabulous. Any truth is better than make believe." Down with the New Age Up with reality Believers in the New Age and the occult Have always been among us But probably never before Have so many abandoned realism And naturalism And rushed to embrace the fantasies of spirtualism I wish to stand apart Alone, if need be And hold up the ragged flag of REASON Reason with a capital "R" Sweet reason The newest and rarest thing in human life the most delicate child of human history Knowledge is the antidote to fear Be content with a little light so it be your own Explore, explore "Immitation is suicide" says Emerson Speak what you think now and Hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks and hard words again Though it contradicts everything you said today To be great is to be misunderstood Walt Whitman says "do I contradict myself? Very well I contradict myself. Resist much. Obey little." "It is through disobedience That progress has been made Disobedience and rebellion" said Oscar Wilde It was Thomas Jefferson who said "I have sworn upon the alter of God Eternal hostility Against every form of tyranny Over the mind of men" A little rebellion now and then is a good thing "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" The amendments and the Bill of Rights were framed to protect individual rights against governmental infringements What's worse than a knee-jerk Liberal? A knee-capped Conservative, that's what Forever groveling before the rich and powerful. When we want something from the rich We'll take it by force The honorable way "Death before dishonor", as it were There's something else Animal rights That is the other animals that share this world with us I refer to the deliberate torture of monkeys, dogs, cats, rabbits And other animals in the laboratories Of what is call "science" Offered for no purpose but the satisfaction of curiosity The cruelty inflicted upon animals trapped in our prudent research apparatus Is appalling Contempt for animal life leads to contempt for human life The second amendment states that the freeborn americans right to own and bear firearms must remain inviolable. I support the NRA because I favor the second amendment After all, Guns don't kill people People kill people and if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns I intend to be among the outlaws Thoreau stated "in the wilderness lies the preservation of the world." The wilderness is our ancestral home and if it is threatened with invasion, pillage and destruction then we have the right to defend that home as we would our private quarters -by whatever means necessary We have the right to resist And we have the obligation. Not to defend that Which if we love Would be dishonorable. They can't do this to us! There's a law against it - A higher law Oh well, revenge is on the way We see it in those high thin clouds far on the northern sky We feel it in those rumbles of discontent Deep within the Earth We smell it on the air The smell of danger Death before dishonor? That's right. What else? Liberty or death? Naturally. The highest treason is to disavow and deny This lone but gracious planet Of which we voyage through the cold void of space "Be faithful to the earth" announced Nietzsche "Eternal reoccurance". "Live dangerously" said Nietzsche "Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius" This about sums it up But may very well end my career in music Which is not a career anyway But rather a passion Fueled in equal parts by anger and love For how can we feel one with out the other?


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Will to Power