クラッシック音楽演奏家特集第8回はパブロ・カザルスを紹介します。パブロ・カザルス (1876-1973)はスペイン出身のチェロ奏者、指揮者、作曲家。チェロの近代的奏法を確立し、深い精神性を感じさせる演奏において20世紀最大のチェリストと評価されています。欧州、南北アメリカ、ロシアなどを演奏旅行して回り、早くから世界的名声を築きました。彼の功績の一つとしては、それまで単なる練習曲と考えられていたバッハの「無伴奏チェロ組曲」の価値を再発見し、広く普及したことが挙げられます。出身地カタルーニャ民謡「鳥の歌」を、故郷への思慕と平和の願いを込めて演奏し続けたことも有名です。国連本部で「私の生まれ故郷の鳥はピース、ピースと鳴くのです」と語り、「鳥の歌」を演奏したエピソードは伝説として語り継がれています。全体的に演奏・録音が古い点、ご容赦ください。
The 8th installment of classical music performers is "Pablo Casals". Pablo Casals (1987-1973) is a Sapnish chellist, composer, and conductor. He blished the modern technique of playing the ello and is considered the greatest cellist of the 20th century for his deeply spiritual performances. He quickly established a worldwide reputation, touring throughout Europe, the Americas, and Russia. One of his acdomplishments was to reevaluate the value of Bach's "Cell Suites," which had previously been considered mere etudes, and to popularize them widely.
He is also famous for continuing to perform the folk song "Bird Song" from his native cataloia, expressig his longing for his hometown and wishing for peace. The episode in which he performed the "Bird Song" at the United Nations Headquarters, saying " The birds of may berthplace chirp "peace, peace" has been handed down as a legend. Please forgime me the outdated performance and recorking.