You're not breaking me down I stand here breaking new ground Life's too short to be bound No, you don't wanna leave and let go If you're feeling all down I'll be there and be your clown Everyday make it count No, you don't wanna leave and let go "今さら"じゃなくて "今から"追い込んでく 意味なんてもんはない 行きたくてしょうがない つまらない日々を 過ごして生きるには あまりにも一生(とき)は 短すぎるだろ ずぶ濡れだぜ Rain Doll 闇に光る Rainbow You're not breaking me down I stand here breaking new ground Life's too short to be bound No, you don't wanna leave and let go If you're feeling all down I'll be there and be your clown Everyday make it count No, you don't wanna leave and let go 入り口を忘れりゃ 出口なんてないぜ いつだってそうだろ なんだってそうだろ 暗闇はいつも 光を照らしてる 眩しいだけでは 輝き切れない 傷だらけでめげるけど 闇を照らせ下克上 You're not breaking me down I stand here breaking new ground Life's too short to be bound No, you don't wanna leave and let go If you're feeling all down I'll be there and be your clown Everyday make it count No, you don't wanna leave and let go You're not breaking me down I stand here breaking new ground Life's too short to be bound No, you don't wanna leave and let go If you're feeling all down I'll be there and be your clown Everyday make it count No, you don't wanna leave and let go I'm breaking free from sorrow Coming out of blackened hollow Come rain or shine, I'm breaking away from the norm You're not breaking me down I stand here breaking new ground Life's too short to be bound No, you don't wanna leave and let go