They got you dying of thirst. don't even try to front, fool, Like you ain't on checkunder layers of vanity, uncertainties Got your soul wrecked style? veil chained mask strapped tight Hide cries from inside; behind, vain lies chew the shattered Glass sex, hate, envy, greed living in suffocation misery- Bleeds so-called alternative imagery defenition of false me. There's more to identify than bodily misery. they got you Dying of thirst, living in suffocation. illusion is all up in You. alternative must be more than this. biological? chemical? Science says I'm pure physical. lower me to equality of dust With no destiny, molecular structure. if this is all that i Be, then humans weren't killed in the holocaust, they were Just machines. reject void supplement, man=rag equivalence. Humanity is more than a complex form of existence. human Capacity a third of it's brain. no reliance on science - I cry Soul defiance! dying of thirst, I'm more than a mathematical Equation. I am more than a chemical combination. my existence Cannot be reduced to scientific theory!