Pay your rates Pay your water rates Pay your rates Pay your water rates If your rates too high Write a snotty letter If your rates too high Put your life on this bit of paper Advice on rates Advice on rates Pay your rates Pay your water rates Pay your rates Pay your water rates If your rates too high You'd better sign this letter If you don't pay your rates You're gonna end up here Or end up on debtors' retreat estate Or debtors' retreat escape Debtors' escape estate Debtors' escape Debtors' retreat escape Debtors' retreat estate Neuroticred landscape A socialist state invention The old government bones working (Legendary Chaos tape: Let's hear it for the working class traitors Hello Warren Mitchell) Debtors' escape estate Debtors' retreat estate A no-motivation estate Debtors' escape estate Pay the borough Pay the borough Pay your rates Pay pretty sharp Pay the borough Pay the borough Pay the borough Pay your rates Pay your water rates Pay your rates Pay your rates