Are you the one to save the day? Confess your sins and walk the way The call to arms is ranting strong! Disrupted system, there's no absolution What's your endgame? Now, break the silence! (Chorus) Run, or live to fight forever! Dark, the path for the fallen ones Rage against the silent mankind And stand on the head of this Cold New World Discovering our evil machine No cure for chaos, insanity Become the void, the grief, the nothingness The time has passed to realize For that we have to pay the price When the walls go down There are so few real heroes! The silent hollow man arises Tomorrow holds no greater pride Pyres destroy before our eyes And break apart your mind again Foolish mortals rape your gods Your souls eternally decay We cry bloody murder! From sanctitude they lead us And in disbelief we must remain For the final hour is about to unveil The times of terror fall upon the world of reason When the walls go down you're done We're in the end, no time to repent The paragon of men arise and fall Run, we had to fight forever! Dark the path for the fallen ones Rage against the silent mankind No new beginning for those who will waste it all