Girls it's been my pleasure To know quite a lot of you. And in the main You're pretty sane, it's true. But there are a few who do to doo ti doo too beautiful a job. It isn't quite what they planned When the man gets the upper hand. He's takin' her for a ride. I'd call it suicide. If when she tries to run away And he calls her back, she comes. If there's a next time, he's okay Cause she's under both his thumbs. She limps along to his side Singing a song of ruin. I'd bet he says nothin' doin'. I-I-I-I I'd call it suicide. She loves to ride in big parades. But he wouldn't so she won't. She needs at least a dozen maids. But if he says no she don't. He wishes she knew his side. Soon there'll be trouble brewin' I'd bet he says nothin' doin' I-I-I-I I'd call it suicide. Suicide, she's commitin' it Suicide, he's not gettin' it Suicide, it's a quittin' a day. (INSTRUMENTAL VERSE W/WORDLESS VOCAL) She limps along to his side Singing a song of ruin. I'd bet he says nothin' doin'. I-I-I-I I'd call it suicide.