Que? did you get the instrumento? Que? very racy, he he he he the face is thinking hmm, shmm, hmm Que? things like that, yeah, yeah do you Que?, i dont think so, no, actually i think you do have, oh god, your looking well man, i dunno, i dunno, i haven't weighed, err, weighed, i never weigh myself, maybe it is haa, err its weird, do you Que? oh well, no i do, its, its strange, ive just got some kind of weird growing disease, but i do i feel, haa, i feel like im still growing sometimes, if i really stand up straight, i just go fucking hell, i didnt use to be that tall Que?, Que? listen, erm, Que?, Que?, Que? its still there you know Que?, Que? yeah go, i won't Que?