Eyesight is bad pupils out I spy with my eyes all gone Zombie horse run around Spat right in my fucking mouth 愛妻家自称 ストレスロックオン モロトフ Set the whole place on fire then 適温 Burn motherfucker burn motherfucker burn Imma turn my back on you Until you fucking learn Your lessons stop messing 決心がつく逡巡 八咫烏追いかける Nasty bitch Fucking snitch (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Relationships come to an end (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Lunatic full of shit (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Memento Mori Death Parade (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Replying to all the messages Getting sick of it Fucking tired of it 死と邂逅エンドレス Grim reaper death Put some faith in it Kimbo slice Jamba Juice 顔長 like a moose Plenty of food stand on a stool Floating in a pink pool 片足ダチョウ 岩波の漢 完璧スルー Such a fool 目指せひと段落 24hrs ain't enough I swear The two towers 題名紛らわしいだけ Such a coward 一切解りはしない Read between the lines Imply お前の想定外 Nasty bitch Fucking snitch (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Relationships come to an end (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Lunatic full of shit (Splash) Dip it in Thames water Memento Mori Death Parade (Splash) Dip it in Thames water