I won't be home anymore, I'll be so far away In my lonely prison cell until my dying day Friends I don't want to bore ye or waste much of your day But I've got a sad story I'd like to tell About the life that just wasted away I had a good home and a family one time And riches of diamonds and jewels But one night out on a party my friends I broke one of God's golden rules Thy shall not kill was buried deep in my heart that day But drinking too much driving too fast I took three lives away So then I was trialed and convicted And the judge said so mercy on me He said we was makin' an example So I was sent in this penitentary Ninety-mine years was my sentence Never no more will I roam Nover to be with my loved ones so dear No place but this cell to call home I'm alone in my shame and this is writen deep in my soul For the price I must pay for driking and driving Can't be paid in silver and gold I can't see my little darling Or watch my babies at play Three lives I took while drinking and driving Out on the highway one day