How was your day? I feel so okay Cuz I quit job (Give it up give it up) You know what time is it? あ、こたえなくていい 暗い顔してたから聞いたの (You know) I mean? なにも言わないでそのままでいい もしよければ come with me ハプニング続きのエブリデイ 神様がしたイタズラさどうせ 深く考えないで行こうぜ Lets sing it セイ!「どうでもいいや」 Uh uh uh uh そう心が導かれる方へ You uh uh uh なにも考えないで it’s OK How was your day? I feel so okay Cuz I quit job (Give it up give it up) 片手にはBeer 踊って飲んでHigh Cuz I quit job (Give it up give it up) If you like the way And you like yourself Just give it up for you But it's not the way you Imagined all the day just Quit that you do Okay No matter how much you worry About it どうせquitしたらポイって捨てて 空中へ その先どうかなんて関係ねえey I say, you say, someone as well できるならしたいさ3度寝 Oh yeah I'll leave my home So HOW ABOUT YOU? (Let's Go!) You go your way ありのまま 心が導かれる方へ Everything’s gonna be alright 何も考えないで it's OK お気に入りのシャツに袖とおして Let’s party 外にでようゲラ いらねぇ『Time is money』 この街のノイズはすべて シャットアウトして 常識はThrough awayはずせ足枷 I'm not a Superhero so I love just one thing I need I'm not a Superhero so I love just one thing I need How was your day? I feel so okay Cuz I quit job (Give it up give it up) 片手にはBeer 踊って飲んでHigh Cuz I quit job (Give it up give it up) If you like the way And you like yourself just Give it up for you But it's not the way, you Imagined all the day Just Quit that you do