Worldly lovers think that they alone know whats suffering for love Alas How they err so easily If they d know how I have been pining for Thee Worldly people go out at night To sing and dance Under worldly light and worldly music I sit alone I sit in trance Swaying with the radiance And melody within Thy superb beauty is of the finest art! How can anyone again worship the lifeless statues Or any however grand portrait For there ll be none parallel For there ll be none parallel <interude DF> But Ive sworn never again to utter a word To utter a word praising Thee Im ashamed of the worlds poor vocabulary Having no better language in speaking of the most Dignity The worldly lovers think that they alone think that they alone know what is love Alas How they are mistaken If they only knew the bond between the Master and I If they only knew the bond between the Master and I If they only knew the bond between the Master and I