【1番】 閃光みたいに、空を駆ける "Like a flash, racing across the sky" 心のままに、風を切って "Following my heart, slicing through the wind" 【サビ】 「Sky high, 君とこの空の上」 "Sky high, above the sky with you" 「Feeling free, together we, can touch the dream」 "Feeling free, together we, can touch the dream" 手を伸ばせば届く、無限の青さに "Reaching out, we touch the endless blue" Sky high, 飛び越えよう限界を "Sky high, let's soar beyond the limits" 【2番】 星屑のように、輝く願い "Like stardust, a shining wish" 希望を胸に、高く飛べ "With hope in our hearts, we fly high" 【サビ】 「Sky high, 繋いだ手が導く」 "Sky high, our joined hands lead the way" 「Across the night, with all our might, shining bright」 "Across the night, with all our might, shining bright" 君とならどこまでも、空の彼方へ "With you, to the ends of the sky, and beyond" Sky high, 夢のその先へ "Sky high, to the far side of dreams" 【ブリッジ】 時を越えて、流れる雲のように "Beyond time, like the flowing clouds" 「Every tear, every fear, disappears here」 "Every tear, every fear, disappears here" 強さを信じて、一緒に羽ばたこう "Believing in our strength, let's flap our wings