Right now.Let me go. You can do anything if you really want to. Right now.Let me go. You can do anything if you really want to. 光を当てる 声にならない声に光を当てるそこに 全ての問題解決しゆく 答えがそこに散らばってる Child abuse, Animal abuse, Animal testing, the handiecaped abuse. 今そこにいる 今ここにいる自分に置きかえ痛みを知る Drive back, Drive back, I can't stand it anyhow. Drive back, Drive back,断ち切れない痛みを Drive back, Drive back,やり切れない怒りを Drive back, Drive back. 強さとはそう優しさであり 強さとはその優しさである 今ここにある 今そこにある しなやかなその意志ある限り 高らかにある崇高な意志 誰にも邪魔させず揺るがない 大手を振ってHappy everyday 夢にまで見るこのFreedom world Wipe out,Wipe out. I can't stand it anyhow. Wipe out,Wipe out. ありえない悲惨を Wipe out,Wipe out. 確かな悲しみを Wipe out,Wipe out. Face to Face. Power to the weak. Face to Face. Power to the weak. Drive back, Drive back, I can't stand it anyhow. Drive back, Drive back,断ち切れない痛みを Drive back, Drive back,やり切れない怒りを Drive back, Drive back.