
Geek: ...economics, I love economics... Bully: HEY over there! Where do you think you're going? Geek: I'm gonna go home! Bully: Thought you were gonna get out of school without talking to me first? Geek: School's over. I wanna go-- Bully: I got some recollections I want to share with you. Geek: Oh, recollections on what? Bully: Let me think back on how many of your family members' CUNTS I've licked today! Geek: Oh, how offensive! Bully: Let's see, your SISTER... Geek: Oh! Bully: ...your MOTHER... Geek: Not my mother! Bully: ...Your GRANDMOTHER... Geek: My grandmother? Bully: I dug up your GREAT GRANDMOTHER... Geek: Oh, you wouldn't! Bully: Her cunt tasted like SKELETONS! Geek: Oh, that's gross! Bully: HAHAHAHAHA Geek: HEY! How do you feel about THIS!? Bully: Oh my God! Aah! Geek: I bought this gun at lunch!! Bully Oh my God! Geek: And now I am pointing it right at your face!! I'm tired of the way you've been treating me!! And I'm not gonna take it anymore!! Bully: Please! Please! I...I...looking at your gun, I...I'm rethinking all of my bullyism...and I...uh...I just think if I were to get a second chance... Geek: You can't get a second chance!! You are way too mean, and therefore, you deserve to get capped!! I am pulling back the...thing that you pull back before you fire the gun!! Bully: The hammer? Geek: NOW I AM PULLING THE TRIGGER!! Bully: OH MY GOD! YOU PULLED THE TRIGGER ON THE GUN AND THE BULLET'S FLYING OUT OF THE GUN AT LIGHTNING SPEED! AAH! OW! IT HIT ME IN THE HEAD! Geek: HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, BULLY!? HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!? Bully: AAH! OW! I'm dying...dying. Geek: Wait a minute, what have I done? (cries) I'm sorry...who will I talk to now? What have I done...what have I done?



スティーヴン・ハマー/フランク・ド・ブリュイン/スーザン・シェパード/Peter McCarthy/アンドレ・ワッツ/エンシェント室内管弦楽団/クリストファー・ホグウッドの人気曲

スティーヴン・ハマー/フランク・ド・ブリュイン/スーザン・シェパード/Peter McCarthy/アンドレ・ワッツ/エンシェント室内管弦楽団/クリストファー・ホグウッド