Una: Ohh... I was caught in a place far away from the light What I saw, I couldn't face, so I closed my eyes Rochelle (Mollie): Wish I could turn back the page (Re-write my point of view) Save all the time you waste (Vanessa: Got to get gone, gone) Don't let it escalate (Don't fight, it's just no use) There's nothing left to say (Got to get gone, gone, gone) Vanessa: Forever is over and my heart's not gonna break Forever is over and I'm no longer afraid All: 'Cause if I don't get out now, I may never escape Your power is fading away Vanessa: And I'm getting closer to the place I belong All: Forever is over, over, over, over, over, over Rochelle: I don't want you to tell me you found someone 'Cause I got no distance left to run Frankie (Vanessa): Wish I could turn back the page (Re-write my point of view) Save all the time you waste (Got to get gone, gone) Don't let it escalate (Don't fight, it's just no use) There's nothing left to say (Got to get gone, gone, gone) Vanessa: Forever is over and my heart's not gonna break Forever is over and I'm no longer afraid All: 'Cause if I don't get out now, I may never escape Your power is fading away Vanessa: And I'm getting closer to the place I belong All:' Forever is over, over, over, over, over, over Una: I'm on the other side, and now I realize I'm in paradise 'cause you're out my life Vanessa: Forever is over and my heart's not gonna break Forever is over and I'm no longer afraid All: 'Cause if I don't get out now, I may never escape Your power is fading away Vanessa: And I'm getting closer to the place I belong All: Forever is over, over, over, over, over, over Vanessa: Forever is over