Track byBoyinaband
[COD] Yo, Whatup doc, It's COD dude About to batter battlefield back to 1942 To the entire world plays me when It's game time [Battlefield] This from a game whose biggest selling point is fish A.I? You're the least innovative of the game franchises same game every year What, have your fanboys got Alzheimer? Yeah, 'cause the way I see every game since '04 could have been DLC Oh did I say '04, I go further back in time, you're based of the quake engine from 1999 OH 1999! Shit Dawg, that's as old as this song we stole this beat from [COD] Oh, No, I'm losing this battle, man I'm failing I'm trough wait Oh yeah, I got 70 million more players than you And did you have a single player campaign I can't remember? I don't quite understand how people think you're a contender I've got: Soap, Price, Ghost damn such memorable men And you've got umm...uh...wait...oh who were they again? [Battlefield] Yo, who cares about protagonists and A.I characters It's all about the multiplayer real people, real battles bitch! [COD] Yeh, well nice try with Bad Company but no cigar [Battlefield] Well I'd rather no cigar than no DICE And while talking about memorable what was your theme tune? MY THEME TUNE RULES! [COD] Oh, you mean the one you stole from Terminator 2? [Battlefield] You can take your perks fool, circle jerk too I aim with skill, knife up in your grill, next [COD] Yeah, well on my death bed my grenade will drop like Skrillex (Dubstep plays) Yeah, I tried your game once, logged on spawned in it All the vehicles were taken so I walked for four minutes To get one hit killed by an RPG from some gay bitch And ran over by my own team with a jeep, so I rage quit! [Battlefield] Yeah, I tried your game too, it was really bad Couldn't hear shit over the screaming kids calling me a queer fag And by the time I muted, I was stuck in the spawn Mince meat because some prestige 4 year old was on kill streak Your matches suck, It's just a violent bloodbath But I've got more style than your Price's moustache [COD] Yo, where's your moustache, Battlefield, I must ask!? [Battlefield] My players don't need to compensate for what they can't have And graphics? Huh Ghosts looks antique, you call it Next-Gen? I call it last week! So fuck off! and go and find your manhood 'cause with Frostbite 3 you know I look damn good [COD] To play you need a beastly PC DICE, wanna stop misleading your geeks? Not every gamers wallet or their bank is so massive For a top spec PC to run with maximum graphics And jeez battlefield for an fps your fps sucks How many frames you clock on a console, 10? well fuck [Battlefield] Stop living in the past come to Next-Gen Where we're the best then where we clock a hot 60fps man And 64 simultaneous players [COD] But in this Gen you're only 24 that's a failure to gamers! [Battlefield] Well you've got that static map design that barely changes I'm about them real battlefields, big open spaces! And explain how a game that is claiming to have such a realistic dog Could be such a fake bitch! [COD] This rap battles no clever man It's audacious When you've got Rihanna and I've got Eminem on my trailers And what've you got to offer in this Next-Gen dawg? 'cause whatever it is It's not good as my Next-Gen dog He took out a helicopter man, that's a violent stray poochie! [Battlefield] Oh shit, what is, this a Michael Bay movie? That's just a cutscene from your campaign For me, that kinda shit happens in-game So I'll blow a skyscraper up, Jihad Jeep! While you use the same damn gun week after week You are the kill streak in my land You pilot the plane not call it in on and ear piece on an iPad My nah could do that, that's how it seems to me [COD] I wanna teach you a word "Accessibility", remember "Fun"? Have you even played a game before? You think you know battles? You can't even beat me in a sales war! Or is it the most elitist fags I killed? Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum only in Battlefield You're just jealous of my K's to D's [Battlefield] Nah, you're all "Me, Me, Me" I'm taking care of my team Let's settle this like a man son [COD] Wait why are we rapping, we have guns (Shooting at each other)