Annihilation Of The Evil Machine

Track byK-Rino

  • 2010.08.23
  • 6:21


[K-Rino] Years before I ever existed The wall between the sadistic and the realistic had been predicted The balance of the world's power shifted When artistic control was given to the wicked and lifted from the gifted When I was born, a female mystic insisted she entered the room leaned over my forehead and kissed it Inside me my assignments were listed I was never told this till I was old and fearing the risks that I resisted The first composition I ever composed Triggered a conscious thought probe that the mystic had enclosed I fold in an agonizing pose When it was over I would hold the keys to expose the motives of the soul Meanwhile on the same side of the globe A slow-glowing entity drove the masses to ignorance overload I stayed inside my reclusive mode and although this was strange I still didn't complain though I blatantly noticed the change I started having recollections Nostalgic reflections of things that ignited mental resurrections Now every audio visual object we digest Contributes to this gradual degenerative process Nonetheless I wasn't under stress I just rested in convalesce, sharpened my talents to soar beyond the best Fell asleep it felt like something was being put on my head I woke up and saw two individuals at the foot of my bed One said, "Listen K-Rino you've be chosen to fight a deadly force that germinated and rose in the night All the knowledge that you'll need I'll expose on this flight" 'What's up with this paralysis? ' "You're frozen in light" 'Well, can you unfreeze me? And please be quick about telling me the reason why you come to seize me' He said "I'm sure you heard of the Machine Well we convene concerning its destruction and we've chosen you to lead the team Folks are going to die you have no choice so you better comply" I said 'I was no one special I'm just a regular guy' He said, "That's a lie you were born for this never denied" I look in his eyes I said 'okay man whatever I'll try' Two seconds later I went from my room to on the craft Inside the lab where I receive training to run the staff What seemed like one day of training had been a year The mystic reappeared and said "NO ONE WAS HERE TO FEAR! " I said 'lady I could be wrong but I feel like I know you' She smiled then said "you do and at the proper time I'll show you As for the masses there's a fate you have to save 'em from Look at the people and how disillusioned they've become The thought streams that this Machine is filtering Are ill meaning and bewildering you have to kill this thing You'll have to start with all of his compartments And execute markets on targets from Earth on orbit" After I listened I started on my mission With one magician from the space craft as my assistant The first place he brung me, it stunned me, what I saw a living among me Eighty-five percent were already zombies The schools and the streets and the houses Where doused with the venom of lying governments and sick media outlets All intelligent thoughts that sprout get rerouted and ousted I had to obliterate the whole outfit But where was it's station? We tried to pinpoint its location With extra sensory perceptive navigation Two seconds after springing to action I saw the caption, the giant shadow of a robotic contraction I turned around and shockingly seen A technologically supreme object that no logic could possible dream Everything that it said was obscene Plus his head was a screen and blasted at me with a red-glowing beam I blasted back with a shot on my own Medulla oblongata allowed my fire straight out of my bottomless dome I heard a voice that made my hair raise, to paraphrase it said "We'll forever concave our own wicked ways over the airways You can't stop the rise we were put here to deceive the wise We're the ones who slay the truth and make people believe the lies Made the world slaves so don't defy it" To save it I would try it, it was modern day David and Goliath Mystic lion den that we resided in was multiplying This leviathan was like trying to escape the Poseidon So every great phase that was ever spoken I quoted Decoded and overloaded his modem till it exploded When it blew up I was glad and released it Then I seen numerous genes forming from each of the fragmented pieces Now I gotta overcome the offspring, the children of him I went from dealing with just one to a million of 'em A whole army in the distance ahead And prisoners of listeners, tapped my assistant and said 'I need a G719 skill gun' He said "I never heard of that", I said "I know I just made it up, go build one! " He left and said "Okay I'll go get it; just hold them off for a minute" Sixty seconds later he reappeared with it I snatched it, with no time to study or test it It consisted of just one definite button so I pressed it... [Shots fired] [People Screams] [K-Rino coughs] Ah Man! I awoke in a cloud of smoke I saw people, one of them stepped out of the crowd and spoke 'It's so enlightening to be mentally redeemed' he said I'm like 'what happened' he said 'Look, all of the machines are dead' Conscience thinking that the ultimate are free again No more government commercial, radio or CNN The gas released out of your weapon made the cameras fall Reverse the spell of the Machine and deprogrammed us all I said "but there were millions how must we persist to live? " "After the wisdom everyone took the initiative" One by one there were individually destroyed By everything with knowledge all functions deployed They sparked the process with cerebral brain washing narcotics Scientific control anatomic robotics melodic hypnotics The mystic came and delivered my fate Waved and erased my memory sending me back to my original state You wonder how then was it _____ y'all The thought probe was never taking out, it recorded the whole battle and showed it all Now the future generations can say that they seen The total Annihilation of the Evil Machine
