The icy path, the steep passage uphill Soaks in the steps of infinity Through this withering weather Blazing the moments of reality At the plains, the highest compound Of the frozen constellations The defiance of degeneration The gravity of existence Where the stars descend Where the sun deserts Illusions delusive The encounter ...Of the above and below Time coils with reasons coherent Serenity exuded and benightened Where the stars descend Where the sun deserts Illusions delusive The encounter ...Of the above and below At the plains, the highest compound Of the frozen constellations The defiance of degeneration The gravity of existence The encounter From the melting shores to the icy hills The route from the membrane to the core A ladder of evolution, a crossroad of confusion Sharpens the spear of delineations From the icy hills to the melting shores From the melting shores to the icy hills A ladder of evolution The encounter ...Of the above and below