Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 1

  • 2006.07.25
  • 1:51


Bartender! "Yeah I hear your wise ass, give me a minute." I'm trying to get this round over here. "What do you think I'm just working for you here?" Actually, will you... will you send a drink to the lady at the end of the bar? Yeah that one right there. "Here you are miss." Yeah, yeah. It's on me. Tell her it's from Travee. "It's from this guy over here." From the second she shimmied in I was intrigued by her essence And my first instincts to make sure that my presence was felt Simple and plain I'm probably jumping the train But all I could see was my name engraved on her belt Hit the pause button Damn! I don't even know this girl And I'm already practicing my sweet-nothin's But that's a classic trait of a soft-spoken, heart-broken, fellow like my self best believe. Man: Pussy. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve But that night the Jagermeister had my sleeves rolled up Wait a minute, hold up I think she caught me grillin' now I'm spillin' my drink I knew our feelings were in sync so now she gave me the wink The only problem is, I'm not your ordinary, average Romeo A Cyrano de Bergerac. Man: Shut the fuck up. In fact, I remember back in 5th grade I tried to read the book of love, but sadly The introduction didn't grab me So I left it on the shelf and kept moving Assuming that this planet rotates I'll just procrastinate until the day I bump into my soulmate. Who would've thunk I'd be piss ass drunk when time came for collision? So I made the decision to just keep my composure. Man: Cool. Cool. Until she started getting closer And then I felt this weird feeling underneath my left shoulder, and then I Slipped, tripped, busted my lip and fell in love The minute that she stepped in the door The type of girl I'd have to make a couple mix tapes for To me she equaled MC squared and everything else was mathematics I never took the time to practice.


Gym Class Heroesの人気曲

Gym Class Heroes