Oh, welcome to the tragedy in the night. The dead walks again tonight. A funny justice dancing in the dark. My scars diving into your heart. 薄れゆく意識の中で (My heart is beating, falling in the dark.) 逃げ惑う背中に、 絡みつくbloody rain. I saw your heart deep inside scared eyes. 翳す血は紅く Get the pain. 堕ちてゆけ、一人底へ Welcome to my nightmare. Oh, welcome to the madness of the night. Insanity will be dyed with the blood. Oh, lucifer, sinner. Follow my heart. 胸砕く痛みさえ遠く 崩れゆく意識の中で (My heart is beating, falling in the dark.) 鳴り止まぬ悲鳴に、心を無くした Return of pain. Awaken my heart. It's in deep inside scared eyes. 翳す血は紅く Get the pain. 堕ちてゆけ、一人覚めぬ夢へ Darkest ride. Here comes pain again from the hell. You will be haunted. Welcome to my nightmare.