揺らぐyour love揺らぐlug love labyrinth now (love labyrinth now) そう何が答えなのか どこに出口があるの? I will prepare and some day my chance will come (we want to always have brave heart) I will prepare and some day my chance will come (feeling is never ever betrayed) 先の道を探しても 目の前に広がる無数の空虚 wishing on a star 何でもいい 叶えようto reach the goal いつか全ての君の構造理解する時まで 進め難攻の迷路 暗澹を駆けるshooting star All range all green just with you stay by my side そうさ何も怖く無くなるさ so I'll catch you hold my hand 愛の迷宮 (all range all green) 揺らぐyour love揺らぐlug love labyrinth now (love labyrinth now) そう何が答えなのか どこに出口があるの? 過去の道を振り返る 足元に散らばる不幸の記憶 wishing on a star 願いは一つ 逃がさないto reach the goal いつか君という存在全部手中に収める 挑め不落の迷路 黎明を望むrising sun All range all green just with you stay by my side そうさ何も怖く無くなるさ so I'll catch you hold my hand 愛の迷宮 (all range all green) 揺らぐyour love揺らぐlug love labyrinth now (love labyrinth now) そう何が答えなのか どこに出口があるの? just with you stay by my side もう何も他にいらないさ so I'll catch you hold my hand 僕の迷宮 (all range all green) 揺らぐyour love揺らぐlug love labyrinth now (love labyrinth now) そう君そのものこそが 答えであり出口さ I will prepare and some day my chance will come (we want to always have brave heart) I will prepare and some day my chance will come (feeling is never ever betrayed)