I got something kinda special I'd like to say to all you truck drivers out there who might be listening right now Also a truck drivers prayer I'd like to pass along to you Cuz I think it's kind of special too But first, Now I gotta few things I've been wanting to say to you guys for a long time And I think right now is a good time to do it Like did you know that me and just about everyone in country music who travel a lot Have nothing but the highest respect for you the truck driver Cuz its a fact that some of the best drivers are truck drivers And the most safety minded, the most courteous and the first to stop and help when there's trouble And little things like blinking signals lights to help someone pass So you just gotta be good people Like some I've had the pleasure of meeting Down to earth, hard-working family men And a lot of you like our country music and that makes you okay in my book Sounds like I'm blowing smoke, don't it But I'm not Cuz it boils down to this, If everyone would drive liek you guys do There would be a lot less accidents and deaths on the highway So truck driver, buddy, you are appreciated more then you'll ever know And we salute you, now for the prayer Now this truck drivers prayer was sent to me, by a truck driver from Oklahoma City He found it in a truck stop, Mary's Cafe in Cahokia, Il Now this prayer means a lot to him And I think it will you too, so if you will give a listen And see if it isn't your prayer too Dear God above bless this truck I drive and help me keep someone alive Be my mortal sight this day on the street where little children play Bless my helper fast asleep when the night is long and deep and keep my cargo safe and sound through the hours big and round Make my judgment sound as steel and be my hands upon the wheel Bless the traveler going past and teach them not to go so fast Give me strength for every trip so I may care for what they ship And make me mindful every mile that life is just a little while....Amen