What's become of the punchers We rode with long long ago? The hundreds and hundreds of cowboys We all of us used to know? Sure, some were killed by lightning Some when the cattle run And others were killed by our horses And some by the old six-gun Those that worked out on the round-up Those of the branding-pen Those who went out on that long trail drive And never to return again We know of some who have prospered We know of some who are broke My old pardner made millions in Denver While I've got my saddle in soak Sleeping and working together And eatin' old "Cussie's good chuck" Riding in all kinds of weather Playing in all kinds of luck And bragging about our top-hosses Each puncher he's ready to bet That his horse could outrun the boss' Or any old horse you could get Gene Rhodes is among all the high-brows A-writin' about the West But I know about lots of doin's That he never has confessed And he used to ride 'em careless Back in the good old days When we both worked together Up in the San Andres Now building big loops we called "blockers" And spinning the rope in the air And never a cent in our pockets Oh, but what did a cow-puncher care? Now I'm tired of riding this trail, boys Dead tired of riding alone Believe I'll head old Button for Texas And our old Palo Pinto home