Sunlight wipes the darkness from the city's gray Hazy voices rushing by the roadway Body bags aligned on every front-page HELL AIN'T JAR FROM HERE Power buys the vigilant's resilience Justice turns its face away from violence Fire armed the angels of apocalypse CAME TO CLAIM THEIR FEE ECHOES FROM THE STREET Sing the gutter's lullaby DANCE ON BLISTERED FEET Spectral figures in the night SOULS THAT FALL ASLEEP Only witnessed by the sky But then the lightning strike Makes lead and flesh collide Around our castles of glass and gold Emerge the reign of ghosts Pursuing blurry dreams Forbidden to exist Around our castles of glass and gold Emerge the reign of ghosts Pursuing blurry dreams And deliverance from their sins Sweaty hands anticipate the consequence A broken man, stripped of his self-confidence Reaping the rewards from social somnolence MEET HIS DESTINY Wishing for the land of opportunity Pushed to live a life in mediocrity Choked under a bias of inequity NOT ALLOWED TO BREATHE