Showdown There you go Heading for a showdown I don't know Some things never change Do you feel it Is it more real Now the scenery's new Does the same old view remain My mistake I left it too late Now your vision's gone But your weakness leaves me strong You know it leaves me strong CHORUS We are all biding time till we get a sign You Know We are all Weak in strength Got no defence without the Lord Take control Don't let old nich get a hold of soul no Just say nice try But I just don't trust the look in your eye First glance Could have been a good chance I'm not sure cos I've had this thrill before Take a look take a leaf out of my book My mistake I left it too late Now your vision's gone But your weakness leaves me strong You know it leaves me strong Words, music, rhythm guitar (1)- Jane Bass - Dave Bronze Guitar - Alan Christie Rhythm guitar (2) - Mark Cunningham Keyboards - Reg Webb Drums - Michael Bettell