Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day You can hear the diggers say As they're heading to the bay Oh I gotta dig a duck Gotta dig a duck a day Cuz I get a buck a duck When I dig a duck a day Gotta dig a duck Gotta dig a duck a day Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day Well it takes a lot of luck And a certain kind of pluck For to dig around the muck Just to get a gooey duck He hasn't got a front He hasn't got a back He doesn't know Donald And he doesn't go quack Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day Dig a duck, dig a duck Dig a gooey duck Dig a duck, dig a gooey duck Dig a duck a day