遠くでぼんやりゆらめくはっきりとは見えない向こう 行方のない日々にもうんざり Find a way out 全てが同じで勝手で狡くて小さくて話にもならない So on and on Go my way On and on, we are looking for what love is On and on, we are looking for what life is Everybody, clap your hands loudly Let’s be on our way now…with this song ただ確かにここにあるグッドミュージック I can’t imagine if there were no guitars, without singing I know there are no goals, no answers either So on and on Go my way On and on, we are looking for what love is On and on, we are looking for what life is Everybody, clap your hands loudly Let’s be on our way now…with this song I wanna hold your hand tightly I wanna hold your hand tightly Everybody, clap your hands more Everybody, put your hands up 大きな祈りは必ず大きな現実に So on and on Go my way On and on, we are looking for what love is On and on, we are looking for what life is Everybody, clap your hands loudly Let’s be on our way now…with this song On and on, we are looking for what love is On and on, we are looking for what life is Everybody, clap your hands loudly Let’s be on our way now…with this song But I don’t know where I am what I am