I've never been out of Salford town the place where I was born Except when I was in the ranks and wore a uniform But I'd sooner never travel if the only way to see The world is through the battle-sights of a Mark Four-Three-O-Three I have a little baby, he's the apple of me eye When I think about his future my thoughts take wing and fly What kind of future can there be with planes and tanks and guns? With flying high and dropping bombs on other people's sons I'd like to see the whole wide world, the north, south, east, and west I'd like to travel everywhere with the girl that I love best But I'll stay beside the Irwell all me life before I'll stand In some foreign country with a bayonet in me hand I work each day upon the docks and see the ships come in And no one asks to see the colour of a sailor's skin Side by side they're working, men from Norway, China, Greece Why can't the statesmen do the same and let us live in peace?