2. WELCOME TO BUCKETHEADLAND "Welcome to Bucketheadland." (Music) "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Bucketheadland." (Music) "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Bucketheadland." (Music) "Buckethead was raised in a chicken coop by chickens? Heh-heh-ha-ha-ha-heh-heh." (Music) "Eh-heah-heah-heah-heah-heah! Eh-heah-heah-heah-heah! I am Centipede Woman and Buckethead thinks he'll open this park successfully! I've got news for him! Eh-heah-heah-heah-heah-heah-heah ! Eh-heh-heah-heah-heah-heah-heah! Eh-heah-heah-heanaahh!" Guitar: Buckethead Bass: Bootsy Collins Drums: Jerome (Bigfoot) Brailey Written by Buckethead Published by Katella Music (BMI)