At first I was terrified To lose these jewels of mine A life of foreign dreams A life-time of someone else Twenty some-odd years Give it all away Then I find myself alone and on the floor Where's the sun today? Has it gone away? Can't it break through the clouds? Where's my world today? I left it yesterday Now I feel alone Let go of everything All your hopes and dreams Give them all away And move to some other town Words are razor-blades They cut through accolades Then you'll find yourself alone and on the floor Where's my world today? I left it yesterday Can I carry on? Where's my world today? Layers stripped away Left alone with myself... And the pain of discovery And the tears of agony When you're shown in reality That you're not who you thought you should be And the beauty of simplicity When you're shown a diamond inside When the truth is realized That you were meant to be who you are Where's your world today? What is life today? Can you carry on? Where's the world today? Have you any strength? The courage to carry on?