confuse refuse reject recall resize decide inside out believe leave deep sleep who done it? who is the witch? ososososos please help me who am I am I am I に興味ない Donuts killed Bradford Donuts killed Bradford sosososososo え、そうじゃない you and I and I and I and I and I え、愛じゃない Breath in breath out ただ息を吸って吐いて 繰り返す日々を繰り返す意味 焦燥妄想衝動に従順に敏感に そうあるがままに Donuts killed Bradford Donuts killed Bradford その穴の向こうには何が見える? sing it out don't bring me down take me to the place so I drink it of at a draught with my favorite song 昨日の苦悩も今日は未踏 悩まなくていい you have only to live it up with your favorite song sing along … pray a role role role role playing game じゃない reset replay reserve return reborn remake retake はない Breath in breath out ただ息を吸って吐いて 繰り返す日々を繰り返す意味 違和感を客観視傍観し悲観し鈍感に ただ見て見ぬ振り Donuts killed Bradford Donuts killed Bradford その穴の向こうには何が見える? その穴の向こうに sing it out don't bring me down take me to the place so I drink it of at a draught with my favorite song 調子どう?どうもこうも 悩まなくていい you have only to live it up with your favorite song sing along along along along reset replay reserve return reborn remake retake はない 君次第でblight light great fright Donuts killed Bradford Donuts killed Bradford Donuts killed Bradford …