Readback! How do you read me? 空の色で恐体をキャッチ 何かが起きる前触れか? Velvet colorのその下で ネジレタ時空をFeartrip! Photo拡散!囲外ってJoke ? Technolojsus! be ina humy! 何日?何分?何秒後?? 次元の裂け目へFiretrip! The world will change in an instant... in that case Let's be free! live of today! I don't want to regre 波の音裏打ちでout告音が残り響く Winered colorのその下で ネジレタ時空をFeartip! 描いていた未来のLIFE 平和にボケたフンダフルライフ 何日?何分?何秒後? 世界の終わりへFuturetrip The world will change in an instant... in that case Let's be free! live of today! I don't want to regre Readback! How do you read me? I don't want to regret. my future