There was an old prophet who dared to take a stand For the prophets of Baal desecrated their land sleeping with the enemy while falling to idolatry God's chosen people forgot who they were called to be So Elijah said, "If Baal be God, then follow him But if the Lord, if He be God Then follow him I'm sending the fire I'm sending the flame I hear the sound of the abundance of rain For those who would dare to call on my name I'm sending the fire I'm sending the fire So Elijah said, "Now I've had enough I'm tired of you messing with God's holy stuff So let's build an altar, prepare a sacrifice We're gonna see who is God We're going to see who's the Christ And the God who answers by fire let Him be God I said, that the God who answers by fire Let Him be God Now just like the prophets of Baal way back then This generation has fallen into the same kind of sin The money god, the lust god, the god called religion Allah, Hindu, Buddha, New Age We can't make a decision But the God who answers by fire Let Him be God I said, that the God who answers by fire Let him be God I'm sending the fire I'm sending the flame I hear the sound of the abundance of rain For those who would dare to call on my name I'm sending the fire I'm sending the fire There's an Elijah generation that's rising in this hour forerunners for Jesus filled with glory and power Voices in the wilderness preparing the way This is the generation that is seeking my face for I am the God who answers by fire I am your God I am the God who answers by fire I am your God I'm sending the fire I'm sending the flame I hear the sound of the abundance of rain For those who would dare to call on my name I'm sending the fire I'm sending the fire Fire, fire,fire, fire We need the Holy Ghost We need the Holy Ghost Fire