Oh I'm feeling low again They said I owed to them They don't want to let it go She's ought to be one of a kind A bear in mind He's got to be a killer Please peak behind the roller blind 危険因子が瀕死俺の目の前 Anytime 放置で俺解約手前 Time to find a new gym With lifts and weights プレイリストWaitsで がなり声で戦意獲得筋繊維です PTSD禁忌に手止まりどん詰まり 人事に人気で継続雇用利となり Set the party 舞い上がり 崩壊し舞い戻り 踊り狂う民皆俺のクルー Set the rule マナーに勝るものない 姫を助ける義理ない 城守るドラゴンの方がマシ ダシに使われ捨てられるがオチ 脳を操作俺の効果聴ける telekenisis Bass のtreble will cause you trouble and brain damage on your fetus Annihilate the infant for instanceで進化 Pitifully お前らに助けはないんだJesus Oh I'm feeling low again They said I owed to them They don't want to let it go Oh I'm feeling low again They said I owed to them They don't want to let it go Hasta la vista baby you go fuego Show up at your house then I bounce They be like where he go. Off to Mexico 波打ち際でデート Surprise flamenco 神出鬼没の系統 迷惑じゃねぇよ 淡々とlisten段々とmissin 満タンのgasで灯す ランタンでlighten 湾岸出ます簡単にdriven Tumdrum で刻むfat fuckのrhythm 侃々のパスで抜ける爛々のweapon 悩める俺緊箍児緊縛 ズキズキでも最終的には掌握 体感5度 寒さに負けずkids乗るpogo 横目で俺らshakeするカイロ 夜中にグツグツするhot coco I'm gonna zap them with the mojo I keep it worm for you baby on the right side I wish you don't have to spend another sad night I wish I had the power to rewind time To make it better I like when you're always a chitter chatter 真っ先に話したくなる さすれば全て良くなる Oh I'm feeling low again They said I owed to them They don't want to let it go Oh I'm feeling low again They said I owed to them They don't want to let it go Spit out the gum you're chewing 俺の国殺しこの酷い惨劇の嵐 ねぇのかsign 偽Televised, all scripted I stripped it downでもボロが出る I skipped it now Are u kidding nothings hidden 俺生前でも死後を見据えるはず 数々のワクワクすら飛ばし見 秀でる者が減り続けるのは 方舟なんて無かったから? 繁盛する者バンジョー弾く者 男尊する者女卑する者 これらの者らは共々 共生するしか脳がない Parasite Are you alright? lil 心配 That should be you're new rap name このゲーム メインキャラになりたきゃ Aim straight BiでもgayでもRate 自分にテロHaterにゲロ Set for the photoshopped demo Ready to be settled むず過ぎこれらのriddle Meet me in the middle 別つ二つの心理にmeddle Oh thank god please be gentle