やめられない このBEAT パラダイスへ 向かうのさ 退屈な 週末も さかだちで はしゃぎだす 朝も夜も 働いて 重い腰ふり shake Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop, Don't stop your beat Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop オネガイさ 今夜だけ 手ほどきを しておくれ この街は ラビリンス 迷わずに イカせてよ ヤバイ噂や 泣きごとは 窓から投げすてて Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop, Don't stop your beat Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop, Don't stop your beat Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop おちぶれた 道化師の パーティーは オサラバさ くり返す step to step つきあうぜ 夜明けまで せまい路地裏 ぬけだして ダイスころがすのさ Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop, Don't stop your beat Don't stop, Don't stop the beat Don't stop