Thru With You (Live)

Track byHeartsdales

  • 2006.12.20
  • 1:25


I give all my love to you but there's always girls around you if your playin'games on me I am thru with you I give all my love to you but there's always girls around you if your playin'game on me I am thru with you いつからか don't know when はっきり思い出せない fell kinda 変 行き当たりばったり 気付けば頭いっぱい 四六時中 thin about is you 手に入れたい be my man come baby i'm the one 逃さない don't run baby 無駄な抵抗はよしな your call cause all I think about is you look at me 遊びじゃない 下心丸見えの girls とは違う don't care about you riches and your pearls cause all I think about is you one chance gimmie 一回だけルックス派手な外見 don't be fooled cause I'm real and you are? 「I'm real」I know all I thin about is you 悲しすぎるけど 本気じゃないなら I don't wanna say this to you I am thru with you 寂しすぎるけど 意味がないなら if you playin'games on me I am thru with you つじつまが合わない最近 baby I konw you lyin' 信じられない 私、馬鹿にしてない? I can tell その smell so are you playin'games on me? your 態度おかしいacting kinda fuuny 消えてる電話の着暦「what?」不思議 深夜のコンコン動き are you playin'games on me? never 間違い無い女の勘 二人のすれ違いの満は dum diddy too late 今さら there ain't no way are you playin'games on me 裏切り just once that's it 充分 don't need それ以上に言い訳wack 飲み込めない don't look back i knew you were playin'games on me 思い続けても 叶わないなら I don't wanna say this to you I am thru with you あいまいでいても 離れたくないから If your playin'games on me I am thru with you good bye もう終わり its the end 踏ん切りつける タイミング is now never later ありえないこれ以上の付き合い 「oh hell no」I am thru with you 今さら泣いてso sorry on your knees 言われても みっともない 男の恥ずさらけ出す前に lemme just say I am thru with you 合鍵返却プリーズ帰して gimmie back 私の car keys プラチナ rolex watch that 'I give you あげる keep that I am thru with you おとぎ話のhappy end 願った 予想外の結末 I give all my love to you but there's always girls around you if your playin'games on me I am thru with you I give all my love to you but there's always girls around you if your playin'game on me I am thru with you 悲しすぎるけど 本気じゃないなら I don't wanna say this to you I am thru with you 寂しすぎるけど 意味がないなら if you playin'games on me I am thru with you 思い続けても 叶わないなら I don't wanna say this to you I am thru with you あいまいでいても 離れたくないから If your playin'games on me I am thru with you



