Always changing new game Jokeで笑えるほど普通で 縛りなきにもルールあり クールなり銃は無し10の話 1. Don't abandon family n brother 愛される倍、bring love to many 2. Don't get caught up in common sense 異常なほどみがくsense 3. Be responsible for your words Don't talk too much 4. Prepare for death 明日死ぬ覚悟で生きる 5. Never give up Don't worry, 必ずできる 6. 一番の味方 yourself Don’t trust others, believe yourself 7. Don't forget いただきます 食の大切さ忘れるな 8. 口より行動 Move your body first 9. Don't rely on SNS Don't be fooled By the words of the world 10. 遠くを見て近くを知れ It's good to dream Don't watch too much Look below and above Before swept off your feet 大事なもの常身の回りのモノ Don't touch your phone Tell phone いじっても ain't change Find out what's real What's real You don't know And u and u No one knows but Stay real wiz yourself