Two Little Feet

Track byGreg Brown

  • 2003.09.03
  • 4:50


Two little feet to get me 'cross the mountain Two little feet to carry me away into the woods Two little feet, big mountain, and a Cloud comin' down cloud comin' down cloud comin' down I hear the voice of the ancient ones Chanting magic words from a different time Well there is no time there is only this rain There is no time, that's why I missed my plane John Muir walked away into the mountains In his old overcoat a crust of bread in his pocket We have no knowledge and so we have stuff and Stuff with no knowledge is never enough to get you there It just won't get you there A culture exploded into knickknacks and memories Eagle and Bear trinkets I don't think it's good Old man what am I trying to say it's a It's a messed up world but I love it anyway Two little feet to get me 'cross the city My little hand to knock upon your door My little thing for your little thing And a big love to lift us up once more to the mountain Lift us up Tumble us like scree let us holler out our freedom like a Like a wolf across a valley like a kid lost in a game No time no name gonna miss that plane again And I'm gonna stay here with you baby and kiss you to a good dream I'm goin' kiss you Kiss you like you like it I got two little feet to get me across the mountain Two little feet to carry me away into the woods Two little feet big mountain and a Cloud comin' down cloud comin' down cloud comin' down

Greg Brown