You're a dirty, hungry, scaly bag of timbers, And you've seen the last of your deep water days, I have, too. But I'd like to cut us free, and we'd go astray together, And we'd try that last long voyage, Me and you. Young men aren't worth the trouble anymore They'd have you think a man that liked his home Was nothing but a fool. And they dress up and they go and leave the only thing they ever had, And if I ever could believe that it was worth it, I'd go too. But I'd just as soon be here as someplace there. I don't need many things: Little coffee, little rum. I can lie here in the cove With those little stars above me, Hear that wind running easy down the bay. Go away, go away They tell me that it's time to go away But you're a dirty, hungry, scaly bag of timbers, And you've seen the last of your deep water days, And I have, too. But by God, I'll cut us free, and we'll go astray together, And we'll try that last long voyage, Me and you. But there's snow on my shoes and on my head, And there's snow on that hungry Northern wind. And you take a look around you: All your rambling friends are dead, And I guess it won't be long before the day comes, We go, too.