Yo we need to talk Here we go again What we need to talk about man We need to talk about us and whats' going on Yea that's what we need to talk about You know I've been thinking I don't think I'm gonna be able to forgive and forget all this s*** you've been doing This just aint working out Yea you know you've been thinking you know I've been thinking too you know what I've been thinking I've been thinking the person that I got with ain't standing in front of me right now You done did a whole flip and change on a n**** man Yea well guess what You done changed You know all this shit you've been doing You know how you expect me to be the same person I'm not the same person why cause of the s*** you've been doing So what the f*** you saying man What am I saying Yea what the f*** are you saying I'm saying it's over