A distorted freak, extremely ugly, ill made by perverted gods, Repugnant blemished colonize my corrupted flesh, Ghastly—a horrid blight upon the eyes, External covering of rocky barnacles, and obscene pustules, A tumor laden fungus, replaced my skin, Ghastly—a horrid blight upon the eyes. Pimply boiled covered face A gash and polypus, filled mask of repulsion. Ghastly—I could turn Gorgons into stone, Hideous down to the marrow in my bone, Ghastly—a horrid blight upon the eyes, Look and see where beauty up and dies, Ghastly—I could turn Gorgons into stone, Hideous down to the marrow in my bone. My toad-like cankered tongue, Moistens rows of jagged and rotting teeth, Putrid pores leak foul fluids, Contaminate everything around me, Ghastly—a horrid blight upon the eyes. I am the epitome of uglified, and the impure definition of nauseating, Revolting dorsal bumps, bulging carbuncles flesh rising from my back, Diseased and flawed, swollen furuncles erupt with pus.