You are so far away... (君をとても遠くに感じるよ) It's getting late (陽は暮れ始めてる) "You're my friend" was (あの時「君は友達だよ」と) all I could say (言うことでせいいっぱいだった) And why... (どうして…) I thought you were in my heart (いつも私の心にいると思ってた) Now you're gone (ここに君はいないけど) Can you feel the love? (私の気持ちは届いてる?) Memory we had (君とつくった思い出が甦って) Tears are falling down (涙の雫がこぼれ落ちてしまう) to the rose (バラの花へと) Melody in the sky (空へ広がるメロディー) Do you hear my voice? (私の声が聴こえてる?) Can you feel the love? (私の愛は感じてる?) Tonight, I'll feel you (今夜 私はこんなにも) close to me (君を感じているのに…)