異国に行った 言葉もわからない まったく困った状況だぜ I'm in a foreign country, I don't understand the language, I'm in a real bind 長いエスカレーターに乗って 公園に行ってみた とてもキレイな場所さ でも俺の心はザワついたまま I took a long escalator to the park, it was a very beautiful park, but my heart was still in a state of turmoil 野良猫と出会った 撫でたら横になって鳴いた 心が通じ合ったようで 俺の心も安らいでいく I met three stray cats. I stroked them. They lay down and meowed. It felt like we had connected and my heart was at peace. 野良猫と出会った 撫でたら横になって鳴いた 心が通じ合ったようで 俺の心も安らいでいく I met three stray cats. I stroked them. They lay down and meowed. It felt like we had connected and my heart was at peace