can i engage you a while? can i tug on your elbow? can i steer you around? be my little sailboat and after you've looked into the half lidded eyes of the wicked almost the most you can do is roll with the waves gently kicking evanesce fade disappear just blend into the ceiling is that a bumblebee in your pants or are you just happy are you just happy to see me see me? where a lunar landscape appears where the tide's escaping where the moon's a water balloon parallax and mistaken with sun showers turning the road into your bands of silver where blue skies reflected in chrome it's feeling vaguely familiar coalesce the fate disappears it's a world easier for dreaming almost the most you can do is spend most of that time just giving some of that time meaning some meaning some meaning some meaning got today's u.s.a. today courtesy of the hotel it's plain early you see details it's plain early you see details evanesce fade disappear just blend into the ceiling is that a bumblebee in your pants or are you just happy are you just happy? i'm dreaming are you just happy? i'm leaving i'm dreaming