She had eyes like crazy diamonds And you ran with feet of clay They rolled the windows tight as they would go It was a smoggy day She looked up and asked me if I ever had a lover that I did not betray And I turned on the radio and I looked the other way She said you're smart, but in a stupid way [Chorus] And this is the price that you pay For being smart in a stupid way You stand there staring while you lover walks away Being smart, in a stupid way The doors they close like eyelids The train just pulled away Sometimes I smell the perfume that she was wearing that day And i wonder if there's anyone that i'll ever love in any way Maybe I'll grow up and be good someday Maybe this pain I feel will go away [Chorus] So why is my heart so hollow Why are my dreams so shallow And why don't I ever have anything else to say And why is my love so far away [Chorus]