There's snow on the ground And no rooms in town Nowhere for spendin' the night Except and old shed With hay for a bed And Mary she says that's all right Joseph don't like it His Mary's with child What if this is the night she gives birth But when he has nothin' A man comes to see Just how much a little is worth The trip's been a hard one They crossed the courtyard To a barn at the back of the Inn They lay down to sleep Among cattle and sheep And wait for this night to begin Now she sees he's worried With love in her eyes She reaches out and touches his face She says a barn is a mansion If its walls shelter love For some reason God has chosen this place The baby's arrival Fills up the night And the light from a beautiful star Lights up the darkness So gloriously bright And shines down on the world near and far And directly below it As if on a string This shelter of such humble design Givin' warmth and protection To the child Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, King of mankind